Monday, December 10, 2012


Your lipstick shape. I was discussing this topic months ago with a friend. We talk about our make-up all the time. I usually just ask him for beauty tips because he is so fab. He’s a make-up artist at Sephora so his knowledge is legit @theangryandro He was telling me that the way I put on my lipstick is a reflection of my personality type. I thought, no way! If true, I must be crazy because my favorite lipsticks have an intense arch. I literally just broke the tip off my lovelorn because it was so pointy. It was tragic, but inspirational. That’s when I decided to research this lipstick theory. So here it is betches! What’s your lipstick shape and does reflect you?!


Sequins. It should be pretty clear by now, that sequins are the hot trend for this winter/new year. They are everywhere and I’m in love. It’s the perfect style between glitter and rhinestones. Like let’s be honest, glitter is a major bitch and rhinestones are so Ed Hardy. Sequins are the perfect way to dress up your outfit while still looking mature and sexy. Dresses, tops, and even pants… fab-u-lous! If you have no sequins currently lurking in your wardrobe, I highly suggest finding even one article of clothing with sequins on it.

Sunday, November 4, 2012


I just noticed this in my November issue of Cosmo. The colors are fall-fab. When it comes to make-up I usually don't stray far from MAC. You would never catch me in a drugstore looking for mascara, just ew. BUT however the reviews are great and Kate Moss is on Team Betch. I will be venturing to Target later to pick up some new shades. Cosmo says the collection comes in 10 shades, but says 7 shades. I look foward to trying shades 02, 04, 08. That's so awk, I'm used to each lipstick having some creative bizzare name. For about $5 instead of $15, I'll give it a go.

Saturday, November 3, 2012




There is a huge difference and I need to make this known. A bitch can be anyone. A plain Jane, the popular girl from your high school, or your ex’s new girlfriend (who is clearly a downgrade). Or just like, ugly. She’s always bitching about work or how she can’t find a boyfriend. And you listen because you feel bad. It’s boring and so overrated. A true betch is rare. She has edge and style. You can see her coming from a mile away. You fear her, yet want to be her. A betch complains too, but it’s comical and you can’t stop listening. She states the cold hard facts about life and how stupid everyone else looks. Most betches rarely work and if they do, it’s because the need a new pair of pumps and a manicure. Definitely high maintenance  If you get their coffee order wrong, they will attack. So the next time you hear someone refer to themselves as a betch… you better check their hair, nails, and shoes because they’re probably not.