Thursday, January 24, 2013


Eyebrows. They are a very essential piece to your face. If you haven't figure out that they basically define your face, I'm sorry. Mastering the art of "the eyebrow" is not to be taken lightly. 

First step -Find the shape you want. Choose wisely. Not too thin, not too thick, and arched at the right point. Second step -Wax, trim, pluck, or thread. This is necessary to getting the shape you want. It takes some time so don’t give up and please do not over pluck. You will look sick, like actually ill. Third step -You will need a liner and or powder. This will help define your eyebrows even more. Like boooom, check my brows betch! I’ve tried a few brands of eyebrow liners. I’m MAC obsessed so I went with their eyebrow liner. I’m currently using Lingering and Brunette. It’s a self-sharpening, brow defining, magic wand. But really, I can’t live without it. I refuse to leave the house without my eyebrows on. I know a lot of girls that use powders as fillers too, which looks more natural. I have yet to use any because I like exact definition and maybe a bit lazy. As a betch, I prefer my eyebrows to have an intense arch. I call them my “angry eyebrows”. I also know some girls who don’t have eyebrows at all. Whatever the case may be, please understand that your eyebrows are a core definition of your face. I promise once you give your eyebrows some extra TLC, you’ll be thanking me.